Thursday 8 March 2012

Conquering Crossfit

This is an exciting week so far, one after the other I'm trying new things! Today it was 'Crossfit'!

My friend Anna had rallied together a group of girls to meet up at the new Dojo this morning. None of us did quite know what we were in for. Personally I was hoping for a lot of weight training and was just looking forward to something different. It's always good to shock your body and not always do the same thing over and over. I do far too much Zumba really, I really do need to weigh that up with weight training (no pun intended!) a couple of times a week.

I so enjoyed this morning! My kind of training. We were doing a lot of different things and it felt like we were going back to basics and using our bodies the way they are intended to be used; without fancy gym machines and special equipment.

Here some of the girls are off doing a "Farmers walk", 5 laps around the building, carrying heavy weights (12kg in each hand for some) engaging the shoulders:

Still smiling:

Box jumps and kettlebell swings:

I bet I'm going to feel this tomorrow!


Norm said...

I was chatting with one of your fellow Crossfit participants about this... to me it sounds like hell on earth, but WOW, what a good workout!

Are you running the Zumba ECA at ISB now? I thought I saw you there earlier this week.

MrsW said...

Hi Kate,
Yes I am, have been this term and will be next term as well! :)