We had a bit of a pot luck dinner, with a little bit of everything on the menu; from spinach dip, celery & raisin dip, parma ham & fig rolls, Vietnamese spring rolls and chili prawns via steak, creamed potatoes, tsatsiki and salad to cheese cake, chocolate tarts and tiramisu. Mmm!
We had a plan that the kids would fall asleep before midnight, but our plan failed miserably - at 23.45 everybody were still awake. So we tuned in to a Malaysian tv-channel that had a countdown from KL, poured the champagne and the coke, and all got ready to jump into the new year from the sofas.
The kids didn't really know what hit them! But at least Daniel and Linnea seemed to enjoy the festive cheers!
After that, some of the guests left and the kids finally gave up and fell asleep. Daniel stayed for a sleep-over to Linnea's great joy, and the rest of us continued a bit with the champagne, and some with the whiskey...
Actually - you can say that our New Year-celebration have been a two-day affair, because it's not over yet!
We had not only Daniel but the McLeans as house guests over night, and this morning we cooked up a big bacon & egg-breakfast that we enjoyed with fresh orange & mango juice. We've played Trivial Pursuit and watched movies together all day, got samosas and sushi for lunch (made by Misuzu) and now we are awaiting our Indian take-away to arrive..!
A very good start to 2010!
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