Tuesday, 26 January 2010

Beach hashing

Tonight we had another beach hash at the same place we did the Halloween Hash last year. I didn't exactly have good memories of that hash, maybe because we started that much later so it was pitch black when we got out... or I don't know.
This time we went the other way, and had a really pleasant jog along some well made tracks, finished off along the beach on the way back, enjoying the sunset. Lovely!

It was the Australia Day hash, so the tent was decorated accordingly and the Aussie hashers had put on some yummy tucker, mmm!
A very good hash!

I had looked forward to hashing, to be able to log something else on my watch than just the usual run around the track... This was our hash today, 3,5 km:

1 comment:

Tina said...

Think the new watch is brill to show us where we have been... I kew we should of turned left when we went right.. it would have halved the need for pushing the dogs UP and over them rocks!!