They had a huge Nutcracker themed display were you had to queue up to get into Santa's Grotto. We spent well over an hour in the queue... But an hour apparently wasn't too bad, one of the elves told us that on the weekend the queue was near to 3 hours!!
The kids amused themselves best they could:

It didn't help that Santa needed to go for a little break in the middle of it all either!

The big boys amused themselves best they could too..:

Unfortunately we weren't allowed to take pictures inside the grotto, which was one of the better grottos I've ever seen - but the kids promised Santa to go to bed early on Xmas Eve, and stay in bed..!
They all got to have a long chat with Santa, received a stuffed toy soldier from him and a frame photo. Plus (for the DHS55 per child it cost us) they also got a free pass to the indoor play land in the Mall, and a free meal at a pizzeria! Not too bad!

While siting outside having our pizza we also could enjoy the Wafi Light & Sound show, quite good timing! And the kids didn't take any rocking coming back home!
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