Daunting anyway, considering it can get quite messy...
Lucas was a bit hesitant about his abilities at first and needed me to start off before he gave it a go while Linnea just threw herself straight in as usual.
They both seemed to enjoy this decorating part. Lucas looked at the box and tried to do his the same whereas Linnea let her creativity take over a bit more. They were both in deep concentration and it was probably the first time all day they were both totally quiet..!
Quite soon, it turned into a team effort where Mormor and I did the frosting and the kids were in charge of adding the Smarties:
Linnea added hers rather sparsely since I had said they could eat the leftover ones... :)
We signed Lucas' house 'LW':
Linnea signed hers as well, she wrote 'Linnea'; but then she covered that with Smarties...
Gluing was a bit of a sticky job..:
And - here are the finished houses!
Casa Linnea:
Chez Lucas:
Aaaah, men är det SÅ man ska göra!! Vi brukar också göra ett likadant pepparkakshus vissa år. Men jag sätter alltid ihop delarna först och sen dekorerar vi det. Vilket gör väggarna aningen krångliga. På ert sätt går det ju mycket lättare. :) Bra att man lär sig saker livet ut. ;-) Ha det fint! Miloukram
Vilka fina minnen du ger dina barn. Det ser sâ mysigt ut:)
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