Here they are before leaving for school, dressed in their house t-shirts and even with a bit of yellow 'war paint' - and scary faces!
It was a long morning for the little ones, although it was a well organized day and all the teachers and helpers were very efficient throughout the arrangement. But by the 3rd and 4th heat, most of the kids had had enough...
They all got ribbons after each achievement, just like last year - although neither one of our two did participate in the first one, both of them shut down and refused to do it... *sigh*.
What to say to them (mostly Lucas) to make them enjoy it?!? I've run out of encouraging cheers and mostly would just like to say to him: "Just get on with it! Just do it!"... :(
Anyway, following are some snapshots from today.
In the gymnasium. All the kids are separated into their houses, and "competed" along with their friends from all the other year groups:
Waiting her turn, Linnea in yellow in the middle, with the pigtails:
Linnea wasn't too happy to start with, it was very, very noisy in the gymnasium:
She got a bit out of sorts and didn't want to do the first heat, so Mrs Kyle kindly "helped" her get around in her sack:
Lucas, who wasn't in the mood either, for unknown reason...:
Precision throwing:
Lucas throwing through the hoop:
Misuzu and the other bake sale ladies outside the gymnasium, selling yummy treats for charity:
Receiving one of the ribbons:
Lucas in a slightly better mood:
Happier when it wasn't so noisy anymore:
Some of the blue house members, tired of waiting...:
More ribbons!
Run Linnea, run!
And this is how happy we are when it's all done! (And Mummy had bought special home made Hello Kitty-biscuits as a treat for snack time!)
Lucas afterward... happy? Well, not sure, maybe mostly relieved?
Yellow and Red House tied this year for the nr 1 spot! Well done Yellow House! Well done kids!
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