Tuesday 2 December 2008

I'm a historian

I got my first diary on my sixth birthday. I still remember it, it was an orange book with a little lock, and padded bind. I didn't use it very often back then, so it actually lasted me for quite a few years and I still have it in a box somewhere.
Since then I have kept a diary, on and off. Sometimes nothing in a couple of years, sometimes every day for years. (For example I'm very happy that I kept a diary of the year I was an Au Pair in Paris - it's quite an exciting read revisiting myself as a teen!)

At the moment, I have now kept a diary (nearly) every day, for the past 13 years. I use the same type of A6 sized calendar every year, that I buy from the Swedish company Ordning&Reda. I only write short statements each day. They help me remember what else was going on that day, or in that period; how I was feeling or what was going on in my life.
I must admit it has become a bit of an obsession, and it disturbs me when I've skipped a day. It feels like I have lost that day, since I haven't made any notes...

When I had Lucas, I started a diary for him as well. I got him a 5-year calendar, with five years on the same page, and has written a little bit every day about what he has been up to. In the back of that calendar, I also made resumés at the end of each month about his development. Some things couldn't get pinpointed to just one day. Everything special that happened got marked in red: first time he smiled, first time he walked, first trip to the cinema etc etc. (Of course, I have also done the same thing for Linnea.)
I hope they will appreciate this when they grow older, or at least when they have kids themselves!

I see myself as the historian of our family, the storyteller. I'm the one that keeps the records of our life in every aspect: I take almost all of the pictures, I scrapbook our memories, I do lists and keep little souvenirs from special occasions - like newspapers from the days the kids were born, the first locks of their hair that got cut off etc.
I keep a folder on my computer with lists of different things, like what the kids got for their 1st birthdays, chronologies of their collection of Christmas tree decorations and so on.
I guess this blog is also a kind of diary, a tool to help me remember. I guess I enjoy writing it so much because it's in my nature to keep track of things, observe and take notes.

As I said, sometimes all this becomes a little bit consuming, but you know what? That's what I do. That's what I'm good at. I'm a historian.


Mia said...

Wow!! Åh, vad imponerad jag blir av dig. Det här med dagbok är något som jag har försökt göra många gånger om, men det funkar inte för mig.

Fotar gör jag dock. Gärna 50 bilder per dag på barnen, så lite bevarar jag ju, men jag önskar jag kunde filma dem mer och bevara små mementos.

Jag lovar att de kommer vara jättelyckliga för din "effort" när de blir äldre.

Kattis said...

Håller med föregående talare. Tänk du kunde kanske ge ut en bok när du har så mycket material!!