They had separated the classes so that just Kindy and Reception went together first, and then the Year 1 and Year 2 classes. It meant there was half as many kids in the gym at once, and also half as many parents. Not so much noise, and not so much waiting around for the poor kids.
Nathan and I were a bit tense, considering last year's fiasco when both Lucas and Linnea were in tears and refused to participate, but there was no need to worry! This time they were both right into it and gave it their all! They had such a blast!
Lucas did tell us afterwards that he had been a bit worried about the sack-jumping. But he did it anyway, even while being worried, so big gold star for that!
It was the usual events, running (all the photos are mixed, they actually weren't in the gym at the same time):
Throwing a ball through a hoop:
Cheering on their friends:
Being happy!
Outside the gym was the Geckos (the JIS toddler group) bake sale, popular as ever! The sold all sorts of goodies:
I managed to get two of the popular gingerbread men for the kids. They were Halloween ones, really cool! Here's Linnea with hers, afterwards:
And Lucas, with his ribbons:
This was the last year Lucas will be inside the cool gym. Next year he will be participating outside, in the 'normal' events: long jump, 100m, high jump, javelin etc. That will be different - and exciting!
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