It's funny, these holidays that you decide to spend staying put, they always seem so looong that first weekend; then the days just roll past and before you know it - the holidays are nearly over already!
I've had an extremely busy day today. Played an hour explosive squash this morning, then back home for a quick shower and a snack before I helped Nicole out with a photo shoot of her kids for their Christmas cards.
Time for a quick coffee and another change of clothes and off to Radisson for a birthday lunch for Misuzu.
Really lush and lovely, gorgeous food...
... in nice company:
Since she lost her whole Pandora bracelet a while back (with last years' birthday bead from us...), we got her a new bead to put on her new bracelet (that her husband had got her) - made her happy!
Home again, twenty minutes to jump into hash clothes and meet Anna in the jungle for a near 2 hour hash rekkie. It's our turn to lay the hash again in a couple of weeks time. It all went really well, just a bit of tweaking on our out trail but apart from that I think we got it at this first attempt.
Now - I'm t-i-r-e-d...
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