Saturday, 26 June 2010

Happy Midsummers Day!

Yesterday was the biggest celebration day in the Swedish summer calendar - Midsommarafton.

It's a bit hard to be away from Sweden at this particular holiday (hm... I say that about most holidays, don't I..?), it's difficult to get the same feeling when you are abroad, even though we sure have tried.
Last year Anna and I celebrated Midsommarafton at the Raffles Hotel in Singapore, together with a bunch of Singapore Swedes, which was kind of nice (in an expat-kind-of-way...), but this year we did nothing at all.
Midsummer is not like Christmas, where you can create you own traditions and celebrate just within your own family; Midsummer is a supposed to be a big feast where you celebrate together with lots of people - eat, dance around the Midsommarstång, drink snaps, sing songs and be merry!

A bit hard to recreate when there are just a couple of you (Swedes that is) in the country.

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