It was all together better than last year - it was actually fantastic! The hall had been decorated beautifully, there was refreshments arranged for the parents and the show itself, the show was super!
Before each year group went on stage, they showed a little slide show of what they had been up to this year. You might get an idea how nice it was from this photo. It's Linnea and her friends, but she's on the left hidden from the camera:
Linnea and the other little Unicorns from Nursery, played the claves, acted out the story about "Three Billy Goats Gruff" and sang "Hot Potato" (from The Wiggles). Unfortunately Linnea was standing on the wrong side of the stage (well, from where we were sitting), so I didn't get any good shots of her at all. But she was doing a great job, especially with the claves, and seemed to enjoy herself a lot!
You can't see her, but you can see her purple hat, to the left, behind the girl in the white shirt:
Lucas and his mates also did three songs, all with a 'countdown' theme. They were so good, didn't have any teachers with them on stage at all, just got on with the singing and the actions all by themselves! They were great, and we could hear Lucas singing with his loud voice all over it. He really enjoys performing.
Here he is on his way up on stage:
On stage, singing a 'tooth brushing song':
It's super to see the kids being so confident on stage, in front of their friends and all the parents! They are so cool!
(I will try an upload a little film clip tomorrow too!)
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