Ah well, we had fun anyway!
We did the usual round around the playgrounds and climbing frames, made our way to the rides - and when we got to the Pirate Ship, both Lucas and Linnea wanted to sit up the top, for the first time! They thought that was great!
Then it was off down to the Bumper Cars. It's pretty sad how they have let this park go, it must have been so great in it's glory days!
We were lucky today though! There was a whole group of teens at the Bumper Cars at the same time as us, so we were NINE cars in total! Oaw, felt like on a 'normal' amusement park!
But since there are no people ever waiting, they let us drive around forever... and I'm not exaggerating if I say we were on it for over half an hour - even the kids had enough in the end.
Tonight we wandered off to a part of the park we had never been before. And guess what we found there!? A Junior Bumper Car ride!! Linnea and Lucas could drive all by themselves! Jiha!
They had a little bit of trouble though when they got stuck, but gosh, did they have fun!
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