We try to only shop once a week, at the big supermarket, and then supply during the week with milk (if there is any more by then) and bread (but now that we have the bread maker, that wont be necessary!).
Today we had a BIG shop, my amah and I, apparently lots of things that needed stocking up!
Here are today's currency conversions: $1 = £0.35 / €0.50 / 4.50 SEK / 3.60 DKK / 0.90 NZD
Maggi Light Soya 1.70
Rice Vinegar 1.40
Pesto 6.70 (imported, hence the hefty price)
Can of pineapple 1.20
3 cobs of corn 0.90
Jar of black olives 3.90
Tomato Paste 1.00
Tomato Sauce 1.00
Thai plum sauce 2.95
Green capsicum 3 pcs 2.05
Broccoli 3.55
French beans 1.00
Pak Choi 1.00
Chye Sim 1.00
Parsley 0.80
Chives 1.15
Asparagus 1.50
Celery 2.90
Packet of carrots 2.20
Cauliflower 2.70
Fresh Ginger 1.75
6xSchweppes Soda cans 4.20
6xSprite cans 3.90
6xTonicwater cans 4.20
6xCokelight cans 3.95
4xBitterlemon cans 3.20
Mee 1.35 (A kind of noodles)
Lemon chili powder 0.80
Wholemeal flour 1.60
Breadcrumbs 2.25
Bread flour 1.90
Ribena 3.95
2 ltr Apple Juice 3.50
1 ltr Longlife milk 1.60
1 ltr Cranberry Juice 3.95
1 ltr Mango Juice 1.95
10 pkt Capri Sonne 4.50
Lemons 2.25
Lime 1.35
Softlan 2.70
Dettol Bathroom 4.20
Toilet Duck 2.90
Müeslibars (12 pcs) 8.15
K-time bars (6 pcs) 6.80
Müesli 14.80
Bread yeast 3.90
Tic Tac 0.75
Can of chickpeas 0.90
Toastbread 1.80
Minced beef 750 gr 9.20
12 egg 2.70
Plums 1.75
Grapes 6.95
1/2 Melon 2.50
6 Apples 2.40
Cut up Star fruit 1.00
4 ltr Fresh Milk 13.00 (Imported from Australia)
Butter 2.15
Cheese Dippers 4.50
Babybel 4.90
GRAND TOTAL: $243.90 (= £82/€118/1083SEK/887DKK/225NZD9
Not bad for two trolleys full of yummy food!!
1 comment:
i've been reading your blog start from this morning.. i really enjoy it.. i will having lots of questions because were moving to brunei in july.. i just really hope that you dont mind it.. thanks so much! your blog will really help me a lot...
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