Monday 29 October 2007

First bread baking moment

We have bought a bread maker. "Everybody else" seems to have one down here, and to be honest - it is kind of hard to get hold of healthy bread.
So, we are going to make our own from now on!
I started out today by making a "light wholemeal loaf". Here it is in the making:

And here is the finished result:

At least it looks like bread, and smells like bread! I will let it cool down a bit, then I will taste it, hopefully it tastes like bread too - yummy bread!


Familjen i Rom said...

Det ser jättegott ut! Hoppas det smakar lika gott som det ser ut!

Lillie plein damour said...

Jag älskar vâr brödbakare. Jag tog med mig mjöl frân Sverige och har gjort goda bröd med det.
Kram J