Wednesday 24 October 2007

I love fueling!

Fueling the car has always been a pet hate of mine ever since I took my driving licence 15 (!) years ago, and wasn't allowed to borrow the car if I didn't fuel it...

Here - it's a breeze! You just drive up to the tank station, and there is a little man who fuels it for you! You don't even have to get out of your car, just give him the money through the window!

And check out how much (or should I say little?) money too:

This was when the Fortuner was not quite empty, but it´s about $18 for a full tank (= £6.30 / €9 / 84SEK / 68DKK / 17NZD!)


Lillie plein damour said...

I min bil gâr det i 65 liter ( tror jag) och det kostar 70€ ungefär.
1 l/1.10€

Dina said...

Något dyrare här, full tank (för stor MPV) ca 120 SEK. Rätt ok ändå :-) Fast här får man gå in själv och betala, och ibland får man tanka själv. Ser en tydlig skillnad, ju "finare" mack ju mer får man göra själv, på de små sunkiga är det ff full service :-) Det är väl ett storstadsfenomen tror jag, ju mer stan växer ju mindre servicekänsla verkar det som.