It's tricky and takes time sometimes to get the techniques right, both for maximum effort and result, but also so that you're performing the exercise safely.
We weren't doing any huge weights, hey - you gotta start somewhere! I did manage 25kg while perfecting technique, but for the WOD Maria and I had to lower to 20kg, only Anna kept her bar loaded with 25kg. Here's while I'm learning the proper stance, still with the big discs on the bar:

These were the "baby weights" we used later for the WOD. Not that much lighter, just a lot smaller, ha ha!

Our WOD of the day:
At the GetFit Box:
Some of the toys!

This was our last time with our current trainer. From next week we are all starting to train at this new CrossFit Box, which will be really exciting! All fresh and new!
I have to start thinking about what goals to set for myself with the future training, hmmmmm...
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