It's been very busy already for this upcoming dance concert since everything needs to be ready in time obviously. On Saturday it was time for the group shot for the program. Here's Linnea (upper row to the right) together with her whole little 'Tinies' Group:

With Mrs Moran, their teacher:

They were asked to all come in their black dance gear and with their hair gelled back in a bun. Nicole had promised to do Linnea's hair too - but then she decided to go to Singapore over the weekend!
Well, I had to bite the bullet and just do it myself, and look, it didn't turn out too shabby actually! I was pretty pleased with myself! :)

They also had their measurements done for their costumes, so now they're all set, and "just" need to practise and practise and practise their routines... Just...

Det blev ju jättebra! Antar att du har en sån där "donut" under håret, eftersom det ser helt perfekt ut.
Visst har jag det! Självklart attribut i ballerina-världen! :)
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