Wednesday 27 July 2011

Sh... oes happens!

It was a lovely sunny day today, so we took the kids to the playground for a really long play. They enjoy so much meeting new friends at the playground, be outside and be able to play without getting sweaty. Plus we don't have playgrounds like these in Brunei!

I suffered from a shoe emergency almost straight away though, where one of my sandals literally suddenly fell apart, beyond repair.
So, I had to go find a new pair in the shoe shop.
I was so lucky, I found a pair of Swedish clogs I had spotted earlier, now on half-price! With only one pair left in the shop and being in my size - it was like it was meant to be that my shoe should break, so I could buy them!

(While shopping I also tried on a pair of soft, black leather sandals that were so incredibly comfy, I had to by them too... Oups...)

After having had two disastrous first two weeks shopping wise, I feel like finally - I'm on a roll! Yes! (I started to get worried I had lost the touch...)

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