We met up in a playground in town and once the kids were all "played out" and tired, we went to the neighbouring open air museum, Fornbyn. Old houses from the entire province have been moved here in order to provide a picture of the old farming society. Included here are residences, a mission chapel, a church and a country store. At the farms in this 'Ancient Village' old-fashioned flowers, fruits, herbs and vegetables are grown.
First we explored all the little houses...

... and visited the animals. They had pigs, sheep and hens.

Lots of space for running around! Gotta love bare summer feet in the grass!

We finished off by visiting the old-fashioned village store to get some coffee and ice-cream!

My cousin Emma:

Irmeli's birthday is exactly a month before Linnea's, but when we tried to explain that to the kids they weren't convinced - how can Irmeli be older, when she is smaller? Irmeli herself told me she was "5 and 2/6" years old! :)

Irmeli's Dad, my cousin Stefan and his girlfriend Martina:

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