The "fast guys" - Nathan, Will and Colin launched from home at 6:30 as they had a 7:15 start time. No punctures this year but Colin had to return too base as his Garmin had packed a sad. The two Bruces left at around 7:30 and Michael at a leisurely 8ish!!
The "fast guys" were still on the line when the Bruces arrived, once again the main drag in Taupo was end to end bike riders. The Fast Guys launched at 7:45 and the two Bruces jumped the queue into the 4:40 too 5:10 group leaving at about 8:05. The plan was that Bruce Martyn "Donkey" was going to ride with Granddad and Granddad was going to unleash him at an appropriate time! BUT Donkey being Donkey was last seen by Granddad at the top of the control gate hill on his aerobars 10 meters off the front of the bunch "smoking"!
Conditions for the ride were perfect. Everyone had a good ride.
Unofficially the times were:
Nathan 4h45. That's SMOKING and a really good effort. That's MY boy!
Bruce "Donkey" Martyn around 5h10
Granddad 5h15
Will around 5h16
Colin Kyster 5h20
Michael Under 6 hours
So a good effort by all.
Post ride Bruce M and Colin partook in a massage while the hardy Kiwis cycled home up that Goddam Marpara Hill. We made it too the garage and when the others arrived home the Kiwis were sitting on the garage floor drinking beer - that's as far as we got.
Prize giving was a little drawn out this year and blimmin' hot!
After that we retired to a bar in Tuwhertoa St for a few pints of Tui, then dined at the Lotus Thai where Bruce's wife Nucha ordered up a fine Thai meal.
As per last year the noticeable weariness amongst the combatants set in around 10 so early bed.
Today has dawned another fantastic day so we will do the scenic thing today for our visitors.
Yvonne is planning a Kiwi roast lamb dinner and breakfast this morning will be accompanied by the All Blacks playing Wales.
From the Cycling Capital of the World Cheers -
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