I made it easy for myself and actually only gave Linnea two choices, she could either be Pippi Långstrump or Tinkerbell (= Outfits we already had!). She chose Tinkerbell this time:
There were quite a lot of parents there for the parade, which was also bigger this year than last year. All the classes took turns to do a little walk in front of their friends. Here they are walking, especially Lucas looks so grown-up in his photo. He really took this parading seriously:
They were all so patient and well behaved while waiting for their turn. Lucas sitting next to "Where's Wallie?"-Nick, and Linnea next to "Bob the Builder"-Daniel.
Here's one of my favourites today, our neighbour Sofia as "Cat in the hat". Isn't she adorable?
There were many super outfits actually, a really enjoyable morning!
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