The holiday coincides with the Feast of the Annunciation, which in Swedish is called "Vårfrudagen" - and if you say that quickly, it may sound like "Våffeldagen".., so it became a custom for Swedish families to celebrate this by making waffles on this day. In addition, this day has always been considered the start of spring in Sweden.
Today, many Swedes forgo the religious part of the celebration but most still eat waffles on this day, most often topped with jam and whipped cream.
And so did we this morning!
musmigt! kanske borde göra våfflor imorgon till barnen?!
Gott! Vi åt också våfflor med sylt och vispgrädde här hemma i går!
Jag har lämnat en utmaning till dig inne på min blogg!
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