I went to the Friday Assembly in the morning at school, not for any of the kids actually, but for my friend Nicole!
She's went back to working full-time this year, as a Year 1 teacher at JIS, and yesterday it was her class' turn to do their Assembly. She has been working really hard with her students to prepare for this, and she was a bit nervous and asked me to come along for support. Well, of course - what are friends for!
It was a beautiful Assembly, and even though none of the kids were mine, I got rather emotional..! They are so cute!
In the afternoon I met up with Nicole again to watch the Royal Wedding! It was so lovely, a couple of us girls, and all the kids (Katie was even wearing Nicole's wedding dress!):

We all enjoyed a bit of Royal glam (even if it wasn't as good as Victoria & Daniel's wedding day, but maybe I'm bias?), with tasty cocktails and snacks. So nice!
Then, the second part of the evening was yet another celebration, but with a different main person, Jeremy. He had his last training flight yesterday, which he passed - and he is now promoted to Captain. Well done!
Proud family just after Jeremy's return:

So we made sure we celebrated him properly! It was a very, very good night!
Nicole and I in the kitchen, both in new dresses. (I bought mine in my "shop" for $20, bargain!)

1 comment:
Vet inte om jag redan sagt det men i så fall säger jag det igen, att bloggen verkligen är superfin med den där bilden i huvudet på strandkanten! Känns väldigt harmoniskt så fort man lägger ögonen på den när bloggen öppnas:-)
Vad gäller bröllopet såg jag ingenting av det men däremot hade den PR-byrå jag besökte vid lunchtid anordnat särskild lunch för sina medarbetare för att tillsammans kunna se ceremonin på en hel vägg i deras kök!
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