Monday 11 April 2011


It's always sad to say goodbye, especially when you don't know when you are going to see each other again.
We all drove up to Auckland last night and spent the night in an airport hotel, to split the trip and because Granddad was leaving on his flight very early this morning.

I'm not sure who it was harder for, to say goodbye. I think we were actually pretty much ready to go home, at least the kids. We have had such an amazing time and have created lots of beautiful memories to cherish for a long time. I feel very happy and content.

Granddad was a bit emotional, going back to Korea for the very last time - and Grandma too, having to drive all that way back to Taupo, on her own; back to a big empty house. She has got lots of cleaning up to do, but I'm pretty sure she's not wiping off all the little finger prints on the sliding glass doors just yet...

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