Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Yum, yum!

Check this out:

Yes - it is a kanelbulle (=Swedish cinnamon bun)!!!

I went to a coffee morning yesterday at my friend Annas house, and one of her guests had baked Swedish buns... yuuum! (The hostess brownies weren't bad either, but I have a serious weakness for bullar!)
The lady who had made them, is actually German, but married to a Swede and speaks fluent swedish - so she is a bit of an honorary Swede!

The buns were hot from the oven, and definetly scored full points, superyum! Totally made my day!


Familjen i Rom said...

Mmm... ser jättegod ut!

Larssons said...

Yummy och vad kul att träffat någon men sverigeanknytning.