We all got kitted out accordingly with an apron each, put on the Christmas music really loud, and laid out all the pieces while we waited for the sugar to melt.
The constructing of the house was actually the easiest part. No worries there, we ended up with a symmetrical and sturdy house.
Then we moved on to decorating it. Lucas was adamant it had to look exactly like the one on the box... uhm... yeah... let's just say I won't have a career as a baker...
I wasn't really friends with the icing, it kept running everywhere and sliding off the roof and sides of the house. (In heinsight, I think it wasn't thick enough.) But Lucas took his mission very seriously and placed little M&Ms and other decorations over the whole house and in the end, he was really pleased with the result! (Linnea on the other hand, mostly ate her share of the decorations while supervising us.)
(Note the colourful mouth on Linnea.)
And ta-daaa... here is the finished house! Not very pretty (it actually looks like the kids did it all by themselves completely without my help, maybe I should stick to that story?), but it's our house and for a first attempt, I don't think it's that bad!
Next year, we will create a masterpiece!
Edit: Lucas is now very disappointed, that we will not be eating the Pepparkakshus when Christmas is over. I had to make that decision when I discovered (should have figured that out myself of course...) that it quickly got some tenants - ants. So I have had to spray it with insect kill, and will have to put it out of reach when the kids are awake, just in case the Smarties look just too good...
Vad duktiga ni ar! Jag tycker huset ar jattefint. :) Nar vi gjorde vart sist, sa anvande jag tartkristyr som jag kopte pa Sainsbury's, det var ratt konsistens. men det kanske inte e sa latt att hitta i Brunei.
Vad mycket du har hunnit med de sista dagarna!
Du é ju jätteduktig! Mitt färdigköpta pepparkakshus (OBS! Ej IKEA) saknade delar sâ jag var tvungen att använda all min fantasi för att dekorera det.
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