Saturday 8 December 2007

New friends!

We made some new friends today!

Ran into a Danish family at the Yacht Club, who had been here not even a week - so we took them on a little sightseeing drive around, and back home to our place for dinner.
They have two young boys, same ages as our two little monsters - and they all seemed to get along beautifully!

As we got talking, we realized that we have quite a few mutual friends, both in the UK and in Denmark! The world is so small!

They were really nice, so I am hoping we will see a lot more of them in the future!
Happy Day!


Annie said...

Åh, sånt är guld värt :-)

Larssons said...

Ja vad glad jag blir för din skull. Livet därborta blev med en gång väldigt mycket bättre eller hur.