Saturday 17 September 2011

Perth Zoo

Finally today we made it out to the Zoo, and apart from a few, very light showers, we were lucky to have beautiful weather all afternoon.

It was a bit disappointing though, because many of the enclosures were closed for maintenance at the moment, particularly the Wetlands. Boo.
We didn't get to pat any kangaroos, but we got to see them pretty close up since they were roaming free in the Australian Wildlife part.

It's always a bit funny when you visit these Zoos, and you see parts of the exhibit that consists of what we have at home in our own backyard! The monkeys, the monitor lizards, the sun bears, the snakes... (One of our dogs killed another cobra in our garden on Monday!)

My favourite part of our visit was the elephant show we watched. They had two gorgeous females out that showed us lots and lots of tricks.

The best one was when one of them sprayed the audience! We were safely at the back, but Lucas purposely went all the way up the front, in his red hoodie!



And one of the elephants came for a walk around in the park:

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