Saturday 10 September 2011

It's ON!

A much anticipated event in this house finally kicked off yesterday - The Rugby World Cup. This time it's all happening in New Zealand, so double the fun really!
Rugby might not be a big sport here in Brunei as such, but as there are loads of Kiwis, Australians and Brits about - it's a big happening in the expat community!
Linnea and Lucas' teacher they both had in Reception, Mrs Williamson, had sent home a little present on Lucas' backpack yesterday - guess where she's from..?

(We are now pondering our revenge... It's ooooon!)

We watched the first game at home and had invited a few friends over to enjoy it with us. All the kids (and the Daddys) were dressed in their All Blacks gear of course, even little Luca:

The All Blacks first game was against Tonga, and we smashed them! Next the All Blacks take on Japan on the 16th, I wonder which gear our dear neighbours will be sporting then..?

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