Sunday, 29 June 2008

Lucas' School Report

On Friday we received Lucas' School Report from Kindy. It's a two-page letter with a little comment from every teacher about how Lucas has been doing this year, what level he is on now, and what he needs to work on etc. A very interesting read indeed! Here is a short version of what it contains:

- Personal, Social and Emotional Development:
It says that he is interested and excited to learn, but often needs some support to settle into activities as he often moves quickly from one activity to another. His listening skills have shown improvement and he has a good awareness of his own needs, views and feelings and is sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.

- Communication, Language and Literacy:
He listens and responds well most of the time, initiates conversation with others. Enjoys stories, rhymes and singing activities; reading and sharing books and asks relevant questions about stories.

- Creative Development:
He is becoming more interested in exploring colour, texture, form and space in two and three dimensions. He enjoys role play and is very enthusiastic.

- Knowledge and Understanding of the World:
Lucas particularly enjoys being in the outside areas. He is able to discuss events in his own life and those of his family and friends.

- Mathematical Development:
He can recognise, count and order numbers up to ten. He is beginning to relate addition to combining two groups and subtractions to taking away. He can recognize and follow simple patterning activities.

- Chinese:
He is learning to be a better listener during lesson. He is able to complete simple speaking activities in Chinese with encouragement.

- ICT:
He enjoys using computers. He can enter his name and pass word in the log on area; has good mouse control and can navigate the school intranet.

- Music:
Lucas really enjoys music lessons and has developed a strong awareness of beat and accent; he can play most percussion instruments appropriately and has memorized many nursery rhymes.

- Physical Development:
He is eager and enthusiastic during PMP. He executes an excellent forward roll, a good straddle jump and first steps towards a handstand.

- Swimming:

He has developed his confidence in the water, is able to submerge his whole body under water and is using a kick board with confidence.

It's amazing that we get this kind of elaborated evaluation of our children already from this young age. It's actually very nice, I have really enjoyed the parent-teacher contact we have had during this year. I hope that continues all the way up through their whole schooling.

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