It's for children who are turning 3 during the next academic year, which means that Linnea will be amongst the oldest ones in the class, since her birthday is already in October. (Some kids might only have turned two just before beginning in August!)
Her class will consist of 20 children, and there will be one teacher and 4 help-teachers. They don't have any organized learning activities in Nursery, it's all free play. Although they will be having some of the subjects that Lucas has been having this year, going to music (we did that today), library, PE and swimming.
I have no worries at all about her starting "school", none at all. She knows what it's all about after having come with me to drop off and pick up Lucas almost every day this year. She is so ready and eager, and it's just four hours a day (07.30-11.30) so it's not long days.
I look forward to her getting some little friends and a little life of her own, but at the same time it's a bit sad cause it's the end of an era. No more children at home with me, I'm going to miss that a bit. Also, it feels very early to already start their long school life; but I keep thinking, that kids like routines, and that they do so many fun things at school that I wouldn't do at home.
Also, four hours a day at the age of 3 is nothing when you think about that back home in Scandinavia, most parents leave their 1-year olds in childcare, 8-9 hours a day - to go back to work...
1 comment:
åh så kul för henne! förstår att det känns konstigt för dig ;)
Jag har fått mycket kommentarer (från Sverige) att det måste ju vara så jobbigt för 4 åringar att börja skolan! här går de 8.30-15.00 med en dryg timmes lunch. Onsdagar är det kort dag till 11.45. Jag har faktiskt aldrig tänkt på att "försvara" mig med att svenska barn går ju ännu längre dagar på dagis från det att de är ännu yngre. Ska komma ihåg det nästa gång ;) Jag tror att det är just ordet skola som gör dem så förskräckta :)
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