Sunday 21 April 2013

The Big Egg Toss

We made it back to the Kids Hash this afternoon after missing it last month when it unfortunately clashed with the JIS Showcase Concert. Finally, I must add, because Linnea was due her next potty by now! She has completed 36 runs!

So she got this lovely pewter mug this time:

The girl to the left had done 18 runs and the boy to the right 50 runs - which is why they were all receiving different sized potties.

-"1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10... ON YOUR HEAAAAAAAD!"

All the kids also got some Easter chocolate, and this cool cap today too, since it was the Easter Run.

The two pretty Easter Bunnies who are running the Kids Hash:

After the shout-up it was time for the Easter Egg Toss. All the kids lined up in pairs, supposedly to try and throw an egg to each other back and forth, as many times as possible.

But when it was all go, go, go...  and nobody even tried to throw and catch the eggs - it was ALL about crashing the eggs onto each other, hard! These kids have been to too many of these Easter hashes to know what the deal is - it's all just one huge egg TOSS!

It was all about getting messy, and boy were they having fun!

Linnea managed to get Ben on his back!

Then it got completely crazy, eggs were flying left and right and all the kids were running around trying to sneak up on each other. Good thing egg is supposed to be good for your hair!

When the last tray of eggs came out of hiding, it was soon all over and we could take two exhausted, messy and egg-smelling kids home...

1 comment:

MrsC said...

Splat! The egg toss was real eggs! I so want to come and join in a hash with you guys once!