He made silk scarves appear out of an empty hat:

And he had a magic magnetic wand:

The both got to participate, of course. Here they got to pick half a card each from a deck.

Then they matched them together...

... and strangely enough, even though it made a funny looking card - Morfar had the already beforehand picked out the exact same one!

Linnea also got to help with a coin trick.

She thought that was "very cool"!

Another tradition in Sweden is chocolate pudding. Not only on the last evening though, also on the first - and preferably every other one in between! :D

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Ha en kanonvecka med mycket vårsol:)
LOVE Maria från inredningsvis.se
Aaaawwww, how lovely! How amazing to have a grandpa like that! Milla, Agnes and Elliot are in awe here looking at the photos!
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