So up he went, and Granddad thought he better get up there too. Apparently this was the first time ever Grandma had ever seen Granddad up a tree! Granddad is not very good with heights!

It turned out to be a good idea though, when Lucas managed to "get stuck", and couldn't get down. So Granddad to the rescue!

Then they thought he should probably try to jump off it, from a lower branch...

Granddad came back down, since he realized he wouldn't be able to climb onto the same little branch.

According to Lucas, he then got distracted by Granddad slipping off the tree on the way down - so then Lucas too fell off the tree!
Granddad tried to catch him, but as Lucas said: "He only caught half of me!". So a few bumps and bruises later, the tree climbing adventure was over.
Grandma said to Lucas:
- "Lucky that Granddad caught you, huh?"
And Lucas said:
- "Well, he didn't do a very good job now, did he?"
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