Nathan and I went on a road trip yesterday, just the two of us, to Rotorua.
We spent the afternoon browsing the shops, and then went for a really nice steak dinner at this 'Beef & Lamb Award Hallmark of Exellence' restaurant, yum.

We also had my favourite drink of the season, at Starbucks - their Gingerbread Latte! They don't do these anymore in Singapore Starbucks, so I got super excited when I saw them here! I managed to have
two in the short space of time we were there, mmm!

The event of the evening was the whole reason we came: we went to a show with
Nigel Latta.Nigel Latta is a clinical psychologist, best-selling author and father of two; who specializes in working with children with behavioural problems.

He has been hosting a couple of popular TV shows here in NZ called "The politically incorrect parenting show" and "The politically incorrect parenting show about teenagers". We have them both at home, and we are big fans, so when there was a chance to watch him live, we jumped on that chance!
We got a couple of his books as well before the talk, while we had a bit of a chat he kindly signed the books for us too.

Most of what he says is common sense, but the way he puts it through to you is very funny! It sure was a very entertaining evening.

While driving home again, we saw a falling star!! What a beautiful way to end a great day!