Saturday 23 November 2013

The Great Cake Mystery

Yesterday we were invited to come and watch Linnea's class Assembly, called 'The Great Cake Mystery'. They had based their play on a book by that same name, by Rhodesian-born British writer Alexander McCall Smith.
Linnea played the role of the teacher, Mrs Flower-Pot (her real teachers name is Mrs Fowler-Watt).

Here she is as Mrs Flower-Pot:

Talking to "Mr McCall Smith" about his life and how he came about to write the books about Precious Ramotswe. Linnea's friend Emily played the role of Precious:

Ben played Precious dad, a role that he took very seriously. Apparently he had practiced this ponderous look for days. He's telling Precious the story about when they once were attacked by lions:

The book is about the first mystery that Precious ever solved, about jam sandwiches and other goodies disappearing at school:

After some investigating, she found out who the culprits were, and made a very sticky cake to try catch them - some monkeys!
Ha ha, could've been a true story from our own school, as the monkeys around school here have been known to come and steal stuff of the kids here too!

Successfully solving this mystery, made Precious start the "No 1 Ladies Detective Agency", and several more books were written about other mysteries she solved.

Ben and Linnea after the performance:

I always like these class Assemblies, the kids always do so well. This time they had enlisted some help from one of the drama teachers, Mr Kemp, so it felt like a proper little production! :)

They were all very focused throughout the performance but at the same time they all seemed to enjoy it immensely too. Well done Linnea!

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