Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Some school trip!

When I was about 9-10 years old, my class spent a whole term in school collecting money in different ways, to go on a school trip. You know, we made our mothers bake bread and cookies to sell, put on shows, held tombolas etc.
Then we went about 80 km south to Borås, and spent a day at Borås Zoo, that was our school trip! (As far as I remember, it was a great day by the way!

My friend Anna's daughter Amelia has just been on a school trip too - to Australia!!!
Yes, she is 10 years old, and she and her classmates has just been away for a whole week, in Darwin. That's a 7 hour airplane ride away, and another continent..!

Now, that's what I call a school trip!


Cissi said...

herregud! åkte de till australien?! deras mammor måste ha bakat många kakor. Vi kom ända till Gotland och det var långt tyckte jag ;)

Mia said...

Hm, vi åkte till Tostared Sommarland.. ;)

Anna said...

det var ju skillnad på vår lägerresá. tror dock att vi nog hade lika kul som din kompis dotter. anna uk