Thursday, 6 June 2013

I ♥ Bali

We truly had a magnificent vacation in Bali.
The world is a big and beautiful place and there certainly is so much to discover that you could say it's a shame returning to the same place twice. But when it comes to Bali... I will have to go back.
I fell utterly in love, and a week certainly wasn't enough to explore it all.

I knew I wanted to bring back some sort of memento to put in our home, something special and not just your average souvenir, like a Bintang Bali t-shirt... I was lucky to find the perfect piece of art. I didn't do much other shopping unfortunately, a few summer dresses and a few things for the children - but at least I came home with this:

I love it. Now it stands on the table in our hallway, and every time we pass it, it makes us think about our lovely Bali vacation!


eastcoastmom said...

Jättefin souvenir!

MrsC said...

Ohoi, jeg har ikke vaert inne paa bloggen en liten stund, og saa har dere vaert paa Bali! Saa herlig. Naa gleder jeg meg til aa se bilder!