Friday 28 June 2013

Hello and Goodbye

I'm exhausted, it's been a busy week, and it's not over yet! FIVE kids parties this weekend! It sure is farewell season!
But I've also got to say a big 'Guten Tag' to an old Brunei friend: Claudia from Germany! She left nearly 2 years ago, and now she has come out for a week's holiday together with her kids. It was really nice seeing her again, we caught up over lunch yesterday.

This morning her kids, Judie and Louis, came to school to meet their old friends. Louis is a year older than Lucas but Judie used to go to the same class as Linnea:

But - it was also a sad day, as it was Mallory's last day at school. She had brought some cookies to share with her friends, Canada ones as that's where she's from, USA ones as that's where they are going (Denver, Colorado).

Last time Kim would sit with us at pickup and wait, and chat, at that school wall...

And this is how the bigger kids say goodbye to their friends. Mallory's big brother Scott getting his shirt signed:

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