Saturday, 8 October 2011

Zumba on the beach

Yes, another post about Zumba! It's been a lot of Zumba going on this week, but I guess it's a bit special when a ZES comes by! Plus, as you know, not that much happen in Brunei ordinarily, so you better jump on every possibility to do something different - and have fun!

Tonight we had a special Zumba session down at the beach, during the sunset. It was great, what better setting can you have?

Vania and me:

Enrique, the ZES, and me:

There was some slight technical issues that delayed the start a bit...

But nobody stressed much about that, we just relaxed and took in the wonderful view!

Then we started, I think we were over 100 people who had gathered to Zumba into the sunset.


In the beautiful sunset:

And then the sun set... and it became all dark... :)

I feel all "exercised out" after this week! I took 3 (!) Zumba classes on Monday, hashed Tuesday, took a Zumba class Wednesday, did Bukit Shabandar Thursday, Master Class yesterday and this today!
Tomorrow - REST...


Anonymous said...

Visserligen har du alltid varit snygg Boel men du blir banne mig bara snyggare och snyggare!!!!

Rosso said...

How about the pesky sandflies?

Carola said...

Det ser härligt ut, jag skulle gärna prova. Jag måste erkänna att jag satt här och läste din blogg och gissade helt fel på var Brunei ligger. Jag borde ha vetat, men jag gissade att det låg i mellanöstern… Där ser man. Tack för trevlig läsning.

Anonymous said...

cool! Zumba in Brunei. where do you have your Zumba classes? I'm a local but I wasn't aware we got these sessions here