It was super nice! The sea was gorgeous yesterday, the kids behaved well and had a fantastic time - even Linnea was jumping off the back of the boat like she had done that a million times before!
Both kids went bisquiting and kept saying "faster, faster!" when we drove along. We were out for most of the afternoon, having brought supplies in our cool bags, so the parents were happy too! Then we finished off with a yummy dinner at the Yacht Club before going home and putting some very worn out kids to bed...
Here is Adrian, Lucas and Amelia just before they went "submarine"... They forgot to hold the front up, so the bisquit submerged and gave poor Lucas a fright because he of course was holding on for dear life and went under for a bit... Bless.
We got him back on again though, with Daddy.
Linnea jumping off the back:
Adrian, Linnea and Nathan on the bisquit:
The Scotts kids on the boat:
Tillykke med båden endelig er sejlklar. Vi glæder os til en tur!
Familien Dehli
Tillykke med båden endelig er sejlklar. Vi glæder os til en tur!
Familien Dehli
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