A most important stop, IKEA, was first on the agenda! The kids love it too as they get an hour in 'Småland', the play land. So I very efficiently ticked off everything on my list, then we picked up the kids and went upstairs for some lunch - Swedish meatballs of course!
Entertaining Luca while waiting for the food:
They really sell everything at IKEA!
After lunch we decided to splash out on a $0.50 soft ice each..! It was huge entertainment watching the machine make the ice creams!

Ice cream party!

After dropping the IKEA shopping off back home and having a bit of a siesta, we took on Orchard Road. The kids were little stars, the big ones were driving the little ones in the prams and we walked all over ION Orchard, and up and down Orchard and did some shopping.

We had lunch at this cool restaurant called 'Marché'. I'd never been before but I'll definitely go back!
It's an underground Swiss market, where you get your food cooked fresh for you from scratch. They offered all sorts of amazing food in different stalls, and the setting was all Swiss alp chalet style! We spent quite a long time there, eating and drinking, and there was also a play area for the kids so everybody was very happy!
When dinner was done it was dark outside, so it was time to take in all the Christmas lights... Beautiful!

We just couldn't get enough of all the lights, so we got home very, very late that day, with very, very tired children..! :) And that was our Day 2.
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