Wednesday 4 September 2013

The start of the seventh

It's been a bit quiet this week here on the blog, the beginning of a new school year is always hectic - getting everything ready, managing the new schedules; and all the different kits and bags and recorders and other things having to come to school each day etc.

I even forgot that we've now "ticked over" into yet another year - our seventh year in Brunei!
Can you believe it, we've been here six years already. Six years done. Oah...

Best way to show how time has flow is probably the school photo from Lucas' first day at school (Kindergarten) six years ago...

... compared to this year!

Linnea also was busy doing "homework", even though she wasn't even at Nursery yet then.

Year seven, here we go!

1 comment:

MrsC said...

Oh wow, look how they grown! Ja, det er pa barna at man ser at tiden flyr:)