Thursday 26 May 2011

On the verge of ruin

This week at school it's 'Charity Week', where the kids are busy doing different things to help collect money for the children in Brunei with special needs.
Of course, it is a very good cause and I totally support it, even though it's nearly (well, maybe not quite) ruining us:

Tuesday it was Y2 that did 'Bake Sale' - so the kids needed a dollar each to buy a treat at snack time. (AND - us parents needed to provide the baked goods as well!)
Wednesday it was Y1's turn with a 'Toy Sale', so both the kids came home with some pre-loved toys.
Today it was Reception that had 'Play-doh Sale', and both kids got to buy two colours each. It was also the Y3 Popsicle Sale at the same day.
Tomorrow it's another 'Bake Sale' from the Y4 and Y5, so a couple of more dollars there.

I know that the Y2 collected over $500 just on their day, so I'm pretty sure it's going to be a great result overall from this week, and since it's for charity - it's all good. (Even if I have no more dollars in my wallet now... ;))

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