I haven't wanted to buy any furniture while we were still in this temporary house, since it would be hard to know if it would fit in any future house or not. I also had a dream/plan to have someone custom build some toy storage, in whatever new house we would get.
But today I had enough.
We went to the "IKEA-store" (a local store that imports furniture from IKEA in Singapore and sells it with a slight added cost) and bought one of these:
IKEA Expedit - an IKEA classic! Perfect for toy storage!
The good thing here is that delivery and assembly is included, so by tomorrow lunchtime we should have order again amongst the toys, at least for five minutes...
If only they would sell Swedish food too, it would be perfect!
Jaså är det DEN som är expedit! Men är den inte väldigt stor? Hur djup är den? Äh, jag får väl gå på ikea.es och kolla, men, du är nöjd, eller?
Den e jattebra. I har haft den i 2 ar sakert nu. Det finns aven roda och bla plastlador som e ratt snygga som man kan ha i. Perfekt for leksaker och bokhylla.
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