Mind you, it was a little bit cold I think...
The birthday boy had requested a football cake, and one of their friends had made it for him - it was looking absolutely fantastic! Almost too nice to eat! (But it tasted good too I can report!)
Since it was a half-Swedish little birthday boy, there was a Fiskdamm (=fish pond) where the kids could go fishing for their party bags. Lucas though, got a shoe at first (to his great amusement!) before he got a bag on the hook.
Linnea was very concentrated on her task too.
Kul med barnkalas, och 40-årskalaset! Vilket dunderparty det verkar ha varit, och vad snygg du såg ut i klänningen, och med håret!!
Vi har också kört fiskedamm här på ett kalas, det var väldigt uppskattat.
Fish-pond.... is that a typical Swedish thing? Thought it was spread over the world.... hmm... that was actually a very good idea, I remember how much fun I thought it was as a kid. Will do that the next b-day-party over here.
Looks like the birthday-party went well and you all had fun. :)
And you look absolutely stunning in that dress from THE party, (I saw that post the other day) :)
Greetings from Germany
//Nettan aka Paxelle
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