Monday, 10 March 2014

The quickest Singapore visit

This weeked the kids and I had to go to Singapore, due to some admin stuff. It was probably the strangest SIN trip we've ever done... can you believe, we went to IKEA - without buying ANYTHING! :D

Ha ha, yes: IKEA. Well, we went over on the evening flight on Friday and back on the morning flight on Sunday, so we literally only had one day there. All we really wanted to do, was see our friends the Roses and say goodbye for now. I asked the kids what they wanted to do with them, and they both asked to go to IKEA for lunch!
It suited quite well, since Nathan was going back to his IKEA yesterday to get some more things for our arrival, so then we could tell him what we had picked out, and he could get just that!

They now have Swedish pick n' mix in IKEA! Fab!

Apart from our little morning IKEA excursion, we just hang about at their Condo. Ashley was teething so she wasn't really in a good mood at all, apart from right here, when I managed to snap a quick photo of her smiling:

We also took the kids for a swim in their pool, but it all was a bit much for Luca in the end:

Some nice Indian dinner by the pool, aaahhh...

After enjoying a few hours in my favourite airport Changi, we took our very last flight back HOME to Brunei, with RBA. Next time we're on a plane, we're out of here for good...

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