Wednesday 4 November 2009

Fun, fun, fun!

I've been spending quite a lot of time on/in one of these lately:

A squash court.

I used to play squash way back when I was still flying. Some of my collegues got me into it, as it was one of the few things we could entertain ourselves with while on long stop-overs, mostly in Dubai. Everybody played back then, and we had big leagues going on! It was great fun!
Since then, I haven't played at all for years - until now.

It's still great fun! We are a couple of girls who get together as often as our busy schedules allow us, and play for an hour or two at a time. We are rather even in our play at the moment, and we get quite a few good rallies in so it's good exercise too. Mostly entertaining though!
This is really my kind of game, fast, explosive and fun!

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