Monday, 23 November 2009

Enjoying real life

Weather is awesome here in NZ, just right actually. Nice enough not to need a cardigan, but not too warm to wear jeans - lovely!

The flight went perfect the other day, as we left at 20.30 in the evening the kids actually slept nearly all the way!
The 3,5 h drive was a bit more tidious, especially since Lucas had to point out every meadow with cows and sheep that we passed, and trust me - there are quite a few..! But, I managed to do some shopping already on the way home, in a little place where we stopped for lunch!

Today it was also shopping day, as we think the town will probably fill up the closer we get to racing day. Around 15,000 riders are expected!
Paula and I were let loose on our own, and we covered most of the shops and had a lovely lunch outside in the sun - without sweating at all! It was fab!

Boys have been doing their first ride today, there will be one more tomorrow and on Wednesday we will all go to Rotoroa to pick up the other two team mates and families - and then it's all about the tourist stuff the last few days before the race.
It's all good.

1 comment:

TinTin said...

Va härligt det låter! Njut allt v ad du orkar, det är du v ärd! Kram!