Sunday, 18 January 2009


Ever since our Swedish friends were here, we have got another "why-child" in the house. (I've been told they get this from their father who apparently was a "why-child" extraordinaire in his youth...).
Lucas normally is the one with all the questions, but lately we have heard an endless stream of "varrrförrr" (=why) from Linnea too.

Not only do we get this question nearly after every statement we make - you have to imagine it being said with a very, very thick "skånish" (=from southern Sweden) accent... with the 'r' being pronounced almost all the way down in the throat - "varrrförrr"...

I hope it's just a phase.


cecilia said...

Hihi, dotterns fas håller fortfarande i sig, tre år senare...sorry:) fast funderingarna runt frasen blir mer elaoberande så det blir nytt hela tiden

Larssons said...

en stundvis pafrestande fas. Sixten ar ocksa dar nu och det ar inte alltid jag orkar/hinner forklara. Han har pa grund av det borjat saga -Varfor och sagintedarfor?